Crimes against Dutch children

The Netherlands is a nation where violations of children’s rights and alleged crimes against humanity occur. These offenses are frequently perpetrated by state employees as part of a purported state policy that paradoxically asserts a commitment to human rights. The following presents the evidence:

Secret killings of newborn babies trap Dutch doctors in moral maze

Euthanasia Is Out of Control in The Netherlands

Number of mentally ill patients killed by euthanasia in Holland trebles in a year as doctors warn assisted suicide is ‘out of control’

Dutch Supreme Court expands euthanasia laws for dementia patients

Torture and ill-treatment in mental health care in the Netherlands

Sex abuse reports at schools at highest in 15 years

Dutch children who had been subjected to sexual abuse were often asked not to spoil the teacher’s life by ruining his reputation

Sexual Abuse in Dutch Child Protection, 1945–2010

“Trafficking of children exists in the Netherlands but is not easy to detect. Much is still unknown about child trafficking. Exact figures on the extent are not available, nor do we know enough about the background of perpetrators and the situation of its victims.”  

Human trafficking victims still largely invisible in the Netherlands: Rapporteur

 “In the Netherlands, there are 9,000 victims of sexual exploitation and 21,000 victims of other forms of exploitation, including labor exploitation (FairWork 2012).”  547993fcf881_Human%20Trafficking%20Eng%20summary.pdf The link has been removed.

360 unaccompanied child refugees vanished in NL last year How can children vanish from asylum centers, and why were no charges brought against anyone?

Vietnamese kids missing from Dutch shelters victims of human trafficking: Rapporteur

Over 2,500 children have disappeared from Dutch refugee centres in 10 years

Trafficking watchdog slams government over child refugee vanishings

“Crimes against children thrive through the conspiracy of silence and intimidation. We want to believe pedophiles will be caught and prosecuted, but what if the criminals are in charge of the justice system? Kindly watch the documentary Dutch Injustice: When Child Traffickers rule a Nation.”

Much sexual violence against children remains hidden, because of a lack of communication on this topic.

Dutch TV Cancels Dr. Phil After Airing Episode Exposing Elite Pedophilia

Ministers ‘shocked’ by latest childcare benefit scandal revelations. Some 50,000 children are thought to be part of families affected by the scandal.

The Dutch tax authorities wrongly accused thousands of parents of being fraudsters, often based on their ethnicity or nationality, for more than a decade.

Critics have previously said too many children are taken into care in the Netherlands, and a 2015 law aimed to reduce the numbers.

How the Netherlands Hid Its War Crimes for Decades